See also the “current standings,” “team rosters,” and “previous seasons” links which may be accessed through the “Law-Firm Fantasy League” tab on the menu.
An Age of Amicus Briefs?
An Oral Argument Count: The Top 25 Law Firms
Law Firm Success Rates
Law Firms and the Justices, 2008-09 through 2017-18
Law Firms and the Justices: An Update for 2018-19 through 2020-21
Law-School March Madness: An Update, 2014-15 through 2018-19
Law School Representation Rates: An Update, 2019-20 through 2022-23
Law School Representation Rates: Oral Arguments, 2008-09 through 2013-14
Law Schools, Women, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court, 2014-15 through 2018-19
Oral Advocates at the Wisconsin Supreme Court: An Update for 2018-19 and 2019-20
Oral Advocates at the Wisconsin Supreme Court: An Update for 2020-21 and 2021-22
Oral Arguments: The Most Active Firms, 2018-19 through 2022-23