Fantasy League Update

The filing of Fontana Builders, Inc. v. Assurance Company of America (June 29), David M. Marks v. Houston Casualty Company (June 30), and State v. Mastella L. Jackson (July 1) brought points to five of the league’s firms. 

The Writs made the biggest jump—eight points contributed by Michael Best & Friedrich (a brief and a favorable outcome, but no oral argument, in Marks v. Houston Casualty).  Right behind them in the week’s scoring came the Citations, with five points from Crivello Carlson (a brief and oral argument in Fontana Builders) and two points from Godfrey & Kahn (an amicus brief and oral argument in Marks v. Houston Casualty).  Had the Gavels remained idle, they would have been joined at the top of the standings by the Citations.  However, the five points gained by the State Public Defender’s Office (a brief and oral argument in State v. Jackson) maintained the Gavels’ (now smaller) lead for another week.  Rounding out the scoring, Boardman & Clark picked up one point for an amicus brief in Fontana Builders, giving the Waivers sole possession of third place.

As a result, the standings are tighter than ever, with all five teams still in with a chance as the court’s term heads into its final weeks.

About Alan Ball

Alan Ball is a Professor of History at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI.

SCOWstats offers numerical analysis of the voting by Wisconsin Supreme Court justices on diverse issues over the past 98 years.

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