Fantasy League Update

This week’s filings yielded a flurry of points, with all five teams making gains. Here are the scoring details (team affiliations in parentheses).

In Ann Cattau v. National Insurance Services of Wisconsin, Inc. (a 3-3 per curiam decision):
Michael Best & Friedrich (The Writs), 6 points for a brief and oral argument.
Axley Brynelson (The Affirmed), 4 points for a brief.

In Yasmeen Daniel v. Armslist, LLC et al.:
Quarles & Brady (The Waivers), 10 points for a brief, oral argument, and favorable outcome.
Cannon & Dunphy (The Citations), 3 points for a brief.
Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin, & Brown (The Waivers), 1 point for an amicus brief.
Stafford Rosenbaum (The Affirmed), 1 point for an amicus brief.
Axley Brynelson (The Affirmed), 1 point for an amicus brief.
Hurley Burish (The Writs), 1 point for an amicus brief.

In State v. John Patrick Wright:
State Public Defender’s Office (The Gavels), 5 points for a brief and oral argument.

As the most notable consequence of this activity, the Waivers jumped into second place and moved within striking distance of the first-place Gavels.

Click here for the complete, updated standings.

About Alan Ball

Alan Ball is a Professor of History at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI.

SCOWstats offers numerical analysis of the voting by Wisconsin Supreme Court justices on diverse issues over the past 99 years.

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