Wisconsin Supreme Court Statistics, 1988-1989

These tables are derived from information contained in 83 Wisconsin Supreme Court decisions that were turned up in a Lexis search for decisions filed between September 1, 1988, and August 31, 1989.  The total of 83 decisions does not include rulings arising from (1) disciplinary proceedings against lawyers and judges, and (2) various motions and petitions.[1]

The tables are available as a complete set and by individual topic according to the subsets listed below.

Four-to-Three Decisions
Decisions Arranged by Vote Split
Frequency of Justices in the Majority
Distribution of Opinion Authorship
Frequency of Agreement Between Pairs of Justices
Average Time Between Oral Argument and Opinions Authored by Each Justice
Number of Oral Arguments Presented by Individual Firms and Agencies


[1] The total of 83 decisions does include State v. Thomas (reconsideration denied) and Ziegler v. Rexnord (on motion for reconsideration, cause remanded for further proceedings), which involved briefs and oral argument, and which resulted in full-length decisions.

Fantasy League Update

On the strength of a ten-point performance this week (briefs and oral arguments in State v. Maday and State v. Zamzow), the Gavels of the State Public Defender’s Office closed to within two points of the league-leading Affirmed.

current standings

Fantasy League Update

It appears that in 2016-17 the “Attorneys” section on the title page of a Wisconsin Supreme Court decision will no longer include attorneys who filed amicus briefs but did not participate in oral argument.  After noticing this, I went back over the 16 decisions filed so far and added the following points to the teams’ totals.

The Gavels of the Public Defender’s Office: 2 points (from amicus briefs in State v. Kozel and State v. Lepsch).

The Affirmed: 1 point (from an amicus brief by Axley Brynelson in Seifert v. Ballink).

current standings

Is Stare Decisis Dead?

Last month’s decision in State v. Denny yielded a spirited discussion of stare decisis (often translated from Latin as “stand by things decided” or “let the decision stand”)—a principle that emphasizes the importance of adhering to the precedents set by earlier cases.  The precedent at issue in Denny was State v. Moran, a decision filed in 2005 that allowed petitioner James Moran to conduct DNA testing of evidence in possession of the state, if he could show that the evidence met certain statutory requirements, and if he paid for the testing himself.[Continue Reading…]

Fantasy League Update

With the five points contributed by Foley & Lardner (a brief and oral argument in Smith v. Kleynerman), the Affirmed widened their lead to 13 points over the second-place Gavels of the State Public Defender’s office.

current standings

Readers’ Comments on the Attorney-Discipline Post

I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge two readers’ responses to yesterday’s post on attorney-discipline cases.  The first response wondered if it would be fruitful to “stratify” these cases to see if certain types of dereliction were more likely to find the court’s liberals favoring harsher punishments than those applied by the court’s conservative majority.  I don’t have the information at hand to venture an opinion on this at the moment, but it’s an intriguing question to bear in mind for future research.   [Continue Reading…]

Attorney-Discipline Cases, 2014-15 and 2015-16

For years, SCOWstats has steered clear of attorney-discipline cases when studying the supreme court’s rulings, but today we’ll change course and explore these waters.  Filings from the last two terms should provide a sufficiently large sample (88 decisions) to reveal themes of interest and suggest questions that could be pursued later.[1] [Continue Reading…]

Fantasy League Update

Something stirred in the fantasy league’s cellar on February 28.  With the five points tallied by the Remington Center’s Innocence Project (from a brief and oral argument in State v. Denny), the Citations joined the scoring—leaving only the Writs and the Waivers still dormant this season.

current standings

Fantasy League Update

With the filing of State v Scruggs on February 23, the Gavels of the Public Defender’s Office picked up five points (brief and oral argument) and edged into first place for the first time this season.  Their stay at the top lasted only a day, however, as the 10 points gained by Linder & Marsack (brief, oral argument, and favorable outcome in Voces De La Frontera v. Clarke) moved the Affirmed back into the lead.

current standings

Wisconsin Supreme Court Statistics, 1989-1990

These tables are derived from information contained in 71 Wisconsin Supreme Court decisions that were turned up in a Lexis search for decisions filed between September 1, 1989, and August 31, 1990.  The total of 71 decisions does not include rulings arising from (1) disciplinary proceedings against lawyers and (2) various motions and petitions.[1]

The tables are available as a complete set and by individual topic according to the subsets listed below.

Four-to-Three Decisions
Decisions Arranged by Vote Split
Frequency of Justices in the Majority
Distribution of Opinion Authorship
Frequency of Agreement Between Pairs of Justices
Average Time Between Oral Argument and Opinions Authored by Each Justice
Number of Oral Arguments Presented by Individual Firms and Agencies


[1] The total of 71 decisions does include State v. Johnson (87-1471-CR), filed January 18, 1990—a ruling on a motion for reconsideration.  The process involved briefing and oral argument, and it resulted in a decision with substantial discussion.